Currently, I work for an insurance firm as a webmaster, and I set this blog up for 2 reasons, firstly, it's partly an experiement for promoting my workplace (see the link for business insurance down the right hand side).
Secondly, I feel, given my mixed history with my own finances and my career path, that I potentially had a unique perspective that could help people. I'll be going much further into this point in a new post very soon.
Anyway, as part of my on going personal struggles with money I have been taking comfort and inspiration from other blogs such as the rather wonderful Mr Money Mustache which was one of the first ones I happened to come across. Since then,
I have actively searched for and come across quite a few more that are also well worth reading, and in doing so, discovered a potential goldmine of good, financial advice on all sorts of money related subjects.
As a (hopefully) good blogger, I've often visited and commented on these sites, sometimes sharing posts on twitter and generally interacting with other people around the 'net, and whilst doing so, noticed a few blogs with this "Yakezie" badge. As I began to see it more often, it piqued my interest, so I decided to look into it.
What is it then?
Yakezie is simply a network of the best personal finance blogs in the net. How do I know they're the best? Well, I don't for sure, but they have quite strict standards for joining (it takes SIX months!!!), and as I follow a few of them already, I know the quality of the articles is good.
As I'm already interacting with, and promoting my fellow bloggers on Twitter, it seemed only natural that I should join and see how much further I could take this blog, so that's exactly what I've done.
So, if you feel I'm missing something, or you don't like my writing style, or perhaps there's just something important to you that I haven't covered yet, then this is as good a place as anywhere to find what you're looking for.
You can of course, also drop me an email, or leave a comment below telling me exatly what you think of my blog, or if you want me to write about something in particular and I'll certainly consider it.
Anyway, after waffling on about other people's blogs, I guess I should list a few, so here we go:
Mr Money Mustache (as mentioned earlier)
As I've started to compile this list, I realise I'm following quite a few finance blogs. The list above represents about a third of the ones I read, so if you're miffed that I've missed you out, I do apologise, message me or comment, and I'll add you :)
And lastly, (this is more for Yakezie people), so people know where I'm starting with this challenge, I currently have no Alexa ranking at all.
Previously, my blog was hosted as a sub domain by Google, so a proper Alexa rank was never on the cards, and I wanted my own domain anyway. This blog is still google powered, but having bought it last week, I have assigned the custom domain today, so as far as Alexa is concerned, I am quite literally, starting from scratch.
Here goes...!
Welcome to the Challenge!
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you! And thanks for stopping by, appreciated.